Rain-out Hotline

Rainout Hotline


Updated Weekdays by:

3:30PM - Youth Sports

4:00PM - Adult Sports

8:00AM Saturdays (All Sports)


Inclement Weather
In cases of inclement weather where classes, games, or activities may be canceled, parents and coaches have a responsibility to call the Parks & Recreation Hotline at 801 852 6629 after 3:30PM on weekdays and 8:00AM on Saturdays. Participants who call the Recreation Center main line before this time will be transferred directly to the hotline for information. Games or activities may still be canceled at the site if deemed necessary by the program staff.


Air Quality

There may be circumstances where the air quality may cause us to cancel or delay games. Provo Parks & Recreation uses the website www.airnow.gov/provo to determine air quality. Any games canceled due to poor air quality will also be announced via our rainout hotline.