About Us

2022 -2023 Board Members include:

President - Angie Hubbard

Vice President - Scotty O'Bryan

Secretary - Leah Parent

Treasurer - Janet Smith

Media Coordinator - Rachel Ishmael

Football Commissioner - Benji Hubbard

Cheer Commissioner - Mintara Maxfield

Volleyball Commissioner -Ashley Pillard

Boys Basketball Commissioner - Todd Barnes

Girls Basketball Commissioner -Jason Allen

Baseball Commissioner - Jon Hutchason

Softball Commissioner - Lauren Reed


Parent Code Of Conduct


We are located at the corner of I35W and fm 916

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Below you will find a copy of our "original" Constitution and Bylaws.  The board wishes you to convey that we are aware these are outdated.  There have been several votes/elections that have amended this document that are not reflected and we are working on correcting that.  An updated Constitution and Bylaws will be posted soon.

Grandview Youth Association:


Article I

The league shall be known as: “The Grandview Youth Association, Inc.”, hereinafter referred to as the “League”, a member of Pony Baseball, Inc. a non-profit Pennsylvania Corporation.


Article II – Statement of Policy

Section 1 It shall be the policy of the League so to conduct its activities that the physical and moral welfare of the young people for whose benefit it is organized shall remain paramount and all matters of policy shall be determined on that and the total commitment to equality and fairness for every player in each league represented.


Section 2  No person who is a member of or who is employed by or who is in anyway connected with the League shall receive any personal financial benefit therefore beyond the reasonable value of the services in carrying out the purpose for which the League has been organized.


Section 3 In order to secure suitable and adequate financial backing to carry out the purpose of the League, it shall be the policy of the League to permit only such sponsorship as is consistent with the purpose for which the League is organized and to select sponsors who are interested in the League solely or principally as a means of contributing to the welfare of young people.


Section 4 It shall be the policy of the League to prohibit any direct advertising of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products in connection with the League or any of its programs.  It shall further be the policy of the League to prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products on any League facility which shall include the Leagues playing fields, dugouts, bleachers, parking lots, etc.

Article III Statement of Purpose

Section 1 The purpose of the league shall be to organize and supervise the playing of any and all youth sports activities under specialized rules and regulations, to secure suitable and adequate financial backing for these purposes, and to own, lease or otherwise provide suitable playing facilities and equipment for these purposes.


Article IV Membership

Section 1 The membership shall be composed of all elected officers, members of the Board of Directors, managers and coaches as well as parents and legal guardians of any child registered in the League as of the last player sign-up.


Article V Board of Directors

Section 1 The Board of Directors shall be those persons elected by the members of the league at the annual election for the terms and/or in the manner provided for in the By-laws of the League.


Section 2 In recognition of the general powers of the Board of Directors exercised by virtue of their office, they shall have the power to purchase or otherwise acquire for the League any property, right or privilege which the League is authorized to acquire by the League memberships, at suche price or consideration and upon such terms as the Board of Directors may deem expedient and as is approved by vote of the league membership, to appoint or remove or suspend subordinate against or volunteers, and to determine their duties and fix their salaries, to determine who will be authorized, on behalf of the League, to sign bills, notices, receipts, acceptances, endorsements, checks, releases, contracts and any other instruments, to delegate any of the powers of the Board of Directors to any standing committee, special committee or any agents of the League, with any powers as the Board of Directors may see fit to grant, and to generally do all such lawful acts and take actions as may be necessary and proper.


Article VI Government

Section 1 The government of the League shall be under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 All rules governing the playing of baseball and softball, the legality of players and related questions shall be in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of PONY Baseball/Softball, with such modifications adopted by the Board of Directors of the League and approved by PONY Baseball/Softball.


Article VII By-Laws

Section 1 Any By-Laws, not consistent with this Constitution, embodying additional provisions for the government of the Corporation, shall be adopted and may be amended by the memberships of the League.


Article VIII Amendments

Section 1 This Constitution may be amended only by a majority vote of the League membership at a special meeting of the league membership called for that purpose with written notification made to the entire membership at least ten(10) days prior to that meeting.

Grandview Youth Association Inc - Bylaws

Article 1 Meeting and Voting

Section 1  The membership of the League shall hold an annual meeting at such place and time as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  Notice of time and place of such annual meeting shall be made known to the membership of the League through individual mailings not less than 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.


Section 2 Special Meetings of the League membership may be called by the President, or by majority vote of the Board of Directors or upon written request to the Secretary by not less than 15 members of the League.  Notice of time and place of special meetings of the League membership shall be known to the membership of the League not less than five days prior to the date of the meeting.


Section 3 At each annual or special meeting of the League, every eligible member present shall be entitled to vote.  There shall be no proxy voting.  A majority of those present, and eligible to vote, shall be required for election and questions brought to a vote.


Section 4 The presence of not less than 15 members eligible to vote shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any special or annual meeting of the League.

Article II Election of Officers

Section 1 At a meeting prior to the annual election, the sitting boarda Nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors consisting of four members of the Board of Directors and four members of the general membership, all drawn at random to obtain and nominate officers for the following your.  This Nominating Committee shall work together at frequent weekly meetings as a dedicated team to consider every nominee carefully and completely.  These nominees must be current members of the League in good standing, must complete the Application for Coaches and Officers and must be screened carefully as to desire and ability to perform in the position nominated for.  The full scope of the duties of each position must be presented to the prospective nominee, especially the time involved.  When the The boardNominating Committee has interviewed the prospective candidates and voted their majority approval for each, the list of nominees for each position and the qualifications of each will be emailedmailed to every current association member in good standing and will include the date, time and place for the annual election.  This mailing will be made not less than ten (10) days prior to the election.


Section 2 The term of office for all officers shall be one year, beginning the day following the annual election.


Section 3 All officers shall be eligible for reelection.


Section 4 In the event of the death, resignation or inability to perform the duties of office for any reason, of any Director, the Board of Directors, by majority vote of the entire board, shall be empowered to select a replacement for such officer, who shall serve until the following annual meeting.


Article III Board of Directors

Section 1 The Board of Directors shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent, and the Chairs of all Standing Committees.


Section 2 The Board of Directors shall meet on a monthly basis at such time and place determined by a majority vote of the Board.  Special meetings of the Board will be called by the President, or by the Secretary, upon receipt of the written request of at least three members of the Board of Directors.


Section 3  The Board of Directors shall have the authority to suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline any member, coach, assistant coach, player, league official, umpire or other person whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interests of the League.


Section 4 Any adult (persons 18 years of age or older) who is suspended, removed or otherwise disciplined by the Board of Directors shall have the right to appeal such action before a majority of the members of the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose.


Section 5 The President shall, upon evidence of misconduct of any player, notify the coach of the team of which the player is a member and the parents of any such player who is less than 18 years of age, within 24 hours of the act.  The coach shall appear with the player before the League Player Agent and at least three other members of the Board of Directors, for consideration of appropriate action.  The players parents or guardian shall be advised of, and invited to attend such meeting.


Article IV Financial Policy

Section 1 The Board of Directors shall decide all mattersmaters pertaining to the finances of the League, bearing the responsibility to conduct the financial affairs of the league in a sound business-like manner.


Section 2 To equalize the benefits of the League for all participating teams, solicitation of funds shall be for the treasury of the League and contributions to individuals or teams, in either regular season or All-Stars, shall be prohibited unless approval is granted by the Board of Directors.


Section 3 The Board of Directors shall institute policy relative to the preparation and acceptance of an annual budget, and periodic and annual presentation of financial reports, and an annual audit of the books of the League.


Article V Duties of Officers

Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the League Membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League, shall be an ex officioexofficio member of all standing and special committees, and shall perform such other duties as are normally associated with the office of President.


Section 2 The Vice President shallshal perform such duties as may be assigned by the President, shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties, and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.


Section 3 The Secretary shall have custody of the Constitution and By-laws, and all other records of the League, shall keep an accurate record of the meetings and other activities of the League and of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the League, and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.


Section 4 The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League, shall submit a financial report at all regular meetings and as such other times as may be requested by the President, shall compile an annual report of League finances, shall provide the books of the League and such other documentation as requested for the annual audit, and shall transmit all financial records to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.


Section 5 The Player Agent shall supervise the annual registration of player candidates, tryout sessions and equitable distribution of players among League teams, and shall maintain any listing of eligible players not assigned to teams who may be available as replacement players.


Article VI Standing Committees

Section 1 The field and Facilities Committee shall be charged with the general preparation, maintenance, development and improvement of all playing facilities owned, leased or used by the League, and shall make recommendations to the Board finance Committee for suggested or needed expenditures in this area of operation.


Section 2 The fund-raising and Publicity Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of planning and organizing all fund-raising activity.  This Committee shall decide the particular activities needed to secure sponsors for each team as well as sponsors for the League Scholarship Fund which will fund the membership fees of deserving children in the League area.  This Committee is also responsible for planning, publicizing and implementing the primary League fund-raiser each year.  All such plans, when complete, will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval and funding.


Section 3 The equipment committee shall be charged with the responsibility of ordering purchasing uniforms and playing equipment for the League, the distribution of equipment among the League teams, the collection, inventory and storage of equipment during the off-season, and preparation of such reports and suggestions as needed by the GBoard of Directors.


Section 4 The umpire committee shall be charged with obtaining suitable umpires for the League as directed by Board of Directors, shall consider all complaints relative to umpires and make suitable recommendations to the board of Directors.  The umpire committee shall make every effort to register all umpires with Pony.